Sunday 29 November 2009

Continuity Piece

Our first coursework task involved us devising a continuity piece of work which lasted between 30 second and one minute. This task was set to prove that we understood the 180 degree rule, match on action and over choulder shots. We arranged ourself into groups, these groups are the ones we'll be doing all our coursework with. In the group I chose there was myself, Laura and Kathryn.
We came up with several ideas but in the end we settled with a long shot of a girl walking down the stairs texting someone. We then skipped to an extreme close up of a text saying "have you got the stuff". Our third shot was another extreme close up of a text message saying "Yes, meet in the toilets". Our fourth shot was a close up of someones hand on the toilet door, giving it a slight push. The fifth shot we used was a medium shot of the same person but walking through the door. This was filmed on the other side of the door. The next shot was a medium shot of the first person walking up to the second person. We then see a close up of the two people exchanging money and "the stuff". This shot clearly showed match on action. We then see a medium shot of a third person coming out of one of the toilet cubicles, this person witnessed the dealing. The next shot was another medium shot of the thrid person running out of the toilets going off to tell someone what they had seen. Our last two shots were over shoulder shots of the two dealers. This shows the horrified expressions on their faces as they know they have just been caught out.
We had difficulty finding people to be in our film. The males seemed keen but as it was mainly filmed in the girls' toilets we had to find female actors. In the end we found two willing actresses, Abigail Monk and Lucie O'Donoghue. I, myself, also had to act in it as we couldn't find anyone else who was willing to help us as most of the class was busy filming their own pieces. However, we had one male actor who was very adament about being in our film so we let Karl Barrett be an extra, walking down the stairs in our piece.

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